Monday 15 October 2007

A moment to remember...

Ask any youngster his favourite childhood movies and most likely Wizard of OZ, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, won't be far from the tips of their tongue but one movie synominous with childhood rainy day entertainment is THE GOONIES.

The story of a bunch of kids setting out to find pirate treasure to save their neighbourhood. The movie starred Babara Streisands step-son Josh Brolin, a future-Hobbit Sean Astin, a future Indiana Jones sidekick and a young boy who's charm was as penetrating as his smile. A boy who would go onto to make great movies such 'Lost Boys', 'Stand by me', 'Meatballs' and 'Gremlins' and also appreared in other trash such as 'The 'Burbs'.

Also of note was the Corey-Mania. When Corey was on top with his 'Lost Boys' co-star Corey Haim. The two went onto make a series of sensational 80's classics including the classic 'License to Drive'.

Recently, Feldman has managed to not die in a pool of his own vomit, after week long stints on hard drugs, drink or being best friends with Michael Jackson. Which all parties believe to be a miracle. Infact, he has not only done this once but 4 times and considering you only need 3 miracles to be a catholic saint... Our fingers are crossed Corey fans.

So this is basically a group to remember the good times, the bad but mainly the 'Corey Times'.

So like we did for Dirk Diggler and Jesus Christ, we will wait for the Coreys second coming.


2/04/2007 - Corey enjoys the fruits of his labour and
gives birth to a pineapple. Corey decides
week long K binge in Vegas bad idea.

12/02/2007 - Corey Gets involved

08/02/2007-Corey can't believe it's not butter... unfortunatley he is on an acid trip and it is actually lard that he has liberally been smearing on his bread.

25/01/07 - Corey gets off drugs charges.

21/02/06 - The 'Get Corey off Super-Glue' fundraiser huge

12/12/05 - Corey shopping centre appearance an
embarrassment when he gets high off whip
cream can fumes and shits in the water
fountain, shortly after is caught eating dog
food from the supermarket.

06/12/05 - Corey releases his autobiography; ''What
becomes of the broken hearted'', an account
of his rise to fame during the 80's. The highs &
Lows, Uppers & Downers, Caviar & Dog Food.

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