Tuesday 16 October 2007

''I never forget a face but in your case I will make an exception''.

Unhappy with life's bitter twists and turns he laughed a stale stunted laugh at the realisation that he had reach a point where he could not remember most of his childhood adventures but would easily be able to rattle off his code for internet banking, a login for his internet chatline or phone numbers for takeaway bodegas. The existance of these things were not the reason that poisioned his mood was sullied but the fact that his mind felt they were more deserving of memory than catching tadpoles by the stream with a jug and hide and seek with the neighbours on the rooves of the local school. Those days held a magic that the subsequent years have stripped from these. Although, a small flame still stays aflame for the hope that through the storm moments like these will happen again. More memories from the good old days you haven't lived yet that will be forgotten just like the tadpoles at the stream and chasing Mr. Whippy on your 10 speed.

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